Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Kittenirak's Character Sheet and Background

Kittenirak, or Kit the Younger.

Height: 6' tall 
Weight: 170 lbs
Eyes/Hair: grey eyes/ auburn hair

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Level: 10
Proficiency Bonus +4

Strength 12       +1
Dexterity   13      +1
Constitution 16   +3
Intelligence  10  +0
Wisdom     8      -1
Charisma   18     +4

Attacks: +2 Quarterstaff, Wyld Oak (+6) 1d6/1d8+2 bludgeoning damage
Sling (+5) 1d4+1 bludgeoning damage

Saves:  Constitution +5, Charisma +7, Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Intelligence +0, Wisdom -1

Hit Points: 83
Luck Points: 3

Skills:  Persuasion (Chr) +8
Intimidation (Chr) +8
Athletics (Str) +5
Animal Handling (Chr) +8
Survival (Wis) +3

Wyld Magic
Tides of Chaos (may gain advantage 1/day)
Font of Magic (10 sorcery points), Bend Luck (spend 2 SP to add/subtract 1d4 to a roll)
Rustic Hospitality
Dragon's Sight
Burdened Soul (Touched by the Dark Powers)
Tool Proficiency: Artisan Tool (Woodworking), Vehicles (Land)
Trinket: Grandpop's Knife
Feat: War Caster, Magical Initiate, Observant (+5 Investigation/ Perception, can read lips)

15 GP, 3 SP
Sling (1sp) 1d4 B / Range: 30/120
Quarterstaff (2sp) 1d6 B / Versatile 1d8 <2 hands>
Arcane Focus: Crystal (10 gp) 1lb
Component Pouch ( 25gp) 2 lb
Scroll Case (1 gp ) 1 lb
Costume Clothing (5 gp) 1 lb
Explorer's Pack (10gp) : backpack, bedroll, messkit, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 feet of rope 15lb
Steel Mirror (2 sp) .5 lbs
Woodcarver's Tools (1 gp) 5 lb
Mule (8 gp) 40ft move, 420 carry capacity "Scruffs"
Saddlebags, Bit & Bridle, Pack Saddle (11 gp)
Horse "Fortune", a brown and white paint.

Sorcery Points: 10

Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Light, Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Acid Splash
Level 1: Color Spray, Chromatic Orb, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield
Level 2: Scorching Ray, Mirror Image
Level 3: Fireball, Haste
Level 4: Polymorph
Level 5:Animate Object

Metamagic Feats
Empowered Spell, Twinned Spell, Quickened Spell


"A fantastic winding of chance, randomization, and uncontrollable energies!  In a thousand years, or a ten of thousands, one would never encounter such a set of conditions that would have produced this upwelling of magical energy.  I am crestfallen that I have missed it, but by the Gods, what a sight it would have been to behold!" - The Sage, Artavian, on finding the source of the Perrinland Flare.

I was not always called Kittenirak.  Does that sound too fancy?  Maybe a touch evil?  Perhaps I'll change my name once again.  In any event, reader, you have stumbled upon my journal.  As I am destined to become the world's foremost arcane power, I can only imagine that I'd reward you with riches beyond your wildest imaginations for finding this record.  Recording events are what heroes do, after all, and I certainly fit that description.  So, read on, and learn how I came to be.

To continue, yes.  I was not always called Kittenirak.  (Do you really like that name?  Please, tell me when you bring this back to me!) I was born Kit the Younger, son of Kit the Elder, son of Kit.  Imaginative, yes, I know... but my family were farmers in the small village of Eryod. We worked the land we had sit on for three generations, and it always gave us enough to survive.  My mother and father, however, weren't very keen on the newest Kit dreaming of a life of adventure - father had tried that, and had come back with tales of chilling goblins with nicked swords that would frighten the soup right from your bowl.  My father was destined to be a farmer.  I was not to share in that destiny, and by the time I could walk, I was wandering away from the freshly plowed earth, to climb trees or chase interesting chickens for a new feather in my cap.  My life was simple, like any poor child in any little farming village.

When I reached my 16th year,  I decided that I would take my hand in adventuring myself, much to the chagrin of my parents.  I left the farm behind in the middle of the night, a fresh loaf of bread in a napsack, a few coppers, and my trusty staff to deal with any goblins.  What I found was a cold and rainy night, reducing the roads to thick sucking mud and driving me to find some sort of shelter.  I had never traveled so far in my life, and by Ruud's smile, I came across a dilapidated old hut.  The roof was leaky, and I couldn't start a fire in all the rain - and I will admit, yes even me, that perhaps this wasn't the smartest of ideas.

However, Ruud smiled upon me, as she often does.  

I recall feeling a tingling sensation, which was not too odd since I had lost feeling in my toes and fingers, and the ground began to shake.  I tried to stand, but was tossed this way and that as the ground erupted with multicolored smoke and magical energies the land surely has never seen before.  A beam of light fired into the sky, and I was at the center of it all!  When the light ceased, every fiber in my being seemed to hum with raw power.  My hair stood on end!  My fingertips burned with blue, green, and violet flame!  When I finally let my breath loose, it came out in motes and shimmering color.  I knew then, that destiny had decided my direction for me.  

I learned to use my powers the very next morning, and the magic came to me as naturally as breathing or running.  I -was- this energy.  What could I do but travel on?  By all the stars in the sky - had my doubts not been completely erased?  When I left the hut behind, I knew my feet were pointed towards adventure - though it took over two years to find me!

By now, you likely know of my first adventure.  I came across the village of Monar, where a cloud of ravenous locusts threatened the town's harvest.  Of course, I had to help them!  I dazzled the insects, sent them back the way they came with fire, illusions, and all the magical might I had learned in my journey.  To this day, I can rely on the common man to offer me shelter, or keep me fed should I need a meal.  

And so, my tale does continue.  I have heard the call of adventure to Strodenmarch, and I shall answer it.  Should you seek to return this journal to me, that is where you shall find me!  At the very least, I'm sure they could point you to the castle that I've built.  

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